Pew Research – Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing

The Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing and How Writing is Taught in Schools is a report from the PewResearchCenter creating from surveying Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers. Overall, the teachers believe that digital tools have a postive benefit on student writing with some concern about informal language appearing in formal writing. Read more →

My summer plans 2013

I’m not going to let a little thing like summer already being 3 weeks in the past to stop me from making a few goals on what I want to do this summer. πŸ™‚ And since I’m more likely to accomplish things if I write them down, I decided to post them here for all to see and to also… Read more →

T3 – June 20, 2013 – Stop using should

The Problem with “Should” Jon Spencer lays out the problems with using should. See, the problem with “should” is that it places all of teaching into rigid, binary, either/or, right/wrong boxes. It takes away the individuality, the autonomy, the creativity and the contextual knowledge required to teach well. Why you SHOULD stop saying SHOULD Julia Suppa lists Why you SHOULD… Read more →

T3 for June 13, 2013 – Subversion, writing, and McDonalds

Is subversion the only way? Doug Johnson writes about the decisions one must make when deciding what to do when your vision doesn’t align with your organization’s goals. Writing vs Speaking John August brings us a TED talk by John McWhorter titled Txtng is killing language. JK!!!. Mr. August discusses the various differences between writing, speaking, and elaborates on Mr.… Read more →

The PirateBox is going Bezerk

My PirateBox was basically the MK802 Android mini PC with the top part of the case removed. This was to allow better wifi reception. Since I’ll be taking the PirateBox to Cedar Point, I thought I better make it a little be more secure. I stuffed the guts into an Atari 2600 Bezerk cartridge (don’t worry, this was a spare… Read more →