Tag: checkup

2024-04 Checkup – Solar eclipses for all!

Events The month started off strong with not only Spring Break, but a total solar eclipse! Kolt took a fantastic picture of the eclipse: Tara and I rode bikes out to the fairgrounds so we didn’t have to deal with traffic. Although there were a couple hundred people there, traffic wasn’t a problem. It seemed like most of the people… Read more →

2023 September Checkup

Events The Ryan Rave I first read about Ryan Meetups back in March It sounded like the coolest thing, but that meet up was in New York and I had already missed it. It sounded like a fantastic experience. I was curious on how the social dynamics change in the room when you know everyone’s name. As time went on… Read more →

2023 August Checkup – Lake Day, college, tornado warnings, and a little more

August is usually a pretty boring but stressful month. For some reasons, things at work that haven’t been touched in months just start breaking. Everyone wants everything yesterday, and managing over 2,000 user accounts can be quite tedious. August is usually a pretty boring but stressful month. For some reasons, things at work that haven’t been touched in months just… Read more →

2023 July Checkup

Events The Colorado trip continues with watching a production of Kiss Me Kate at the Central City Opera House. This was one of the productions that Delaney worked on as a costumer. I bought the tickets online before we left, and I messed up paying way too much on them because I was on the wrong website. Well, even though… Read more →

2023 June Checkup

Events First up for the month was my niece Rachel’s wedding! It was held at the Perry Community Center, a very cool place. The wedding was great, from the ceremony and violinist to the reception and DJ. And by DJ, that was me and I turned that mother out. I presented at the CREATE conference on the 8th at Maumee… Read more →

2023 May Checkup

Events Back on the first of May, Tara and I got to haul a trailer to Akron because not only was Grace moving home for the supper, she had then acquired a couch for us to store for the summer. And now that couch has become the cat’s couch in the garage. At least I got Chipotle! The very next… Read more →

2023 March Checkup

Welcome to my first checkup post. It’s more of an extension of a journal, just more public. And it will be a hoot to check it out in 10 years to see how the early ’20s were going for me. The best news of the month came from Taco Bell with the return of the Volcano menu: Events There were… Read more →