T3 June 6,2013 – Quitting, the box, and a font

In Pursuit of Happiness First up is an impassioned teacher’s resignation video. Her speech won’t be a revelation for teachers. I’m posting it for those out there who feel the same way, You’re not alone. One fascinating aspect of watching this on Youtube is the number of I quit videos from other teachers listed in the What’s related section. Embrace… Read more →

A PirateBox to call my own

In a couple of weeks I will be taking part in the Great Ohio Bike Adventure (GOBA), a week long bike ride through several towns in Ohio. As I was planning on how to power everything, somehow I was reminded of the PirateBox. A PirateBox is a self contained hotspot that runs a webserver, allowing anyone within range to connect… Read more →

Scheduled posting with Pelican

After my switch from WordPress to Pelican I realized that there was one feature that I really was missing, the ability to schedule posts in the future. When you have an itch, you scratch it. By using my Linux box at home (you could use an OS X machine also) and Dropbox, I can now schedule posts. Prequisites On my… Read more →

Thursday 3 for May 16, 2013

Forecast.io I read about Forecast on Macdrifter. This isn’t your everyday weather site. A couple of things make it unique. On the main website there is a time machine button, which allows you to look at what the weather was in the past. The other neat feature is that if you visit it from an iOS device, it asks you… Read more →

Ohio Goes Google conference notes #ohiogoesgoogle

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of attending my first Ohio Goes Google Conference presented by ITIP Ohio. The sessions I attended were very informative, I picked up quite a few different tips and ideas. (I’ll emphasize my thoughts like this.) Keynote speaker – Jennie Magiera @msmagiera Google Moderator The Google Tool that nobody uses was big. Jennie Magiera talked… Read more →

HS student decides he’s had enough

I’m not sure how to take this rant of Jeff Bliss, high school student: On one hand, this is obviously a student that values his education and is tired of doing worksheets. Could he have handled it better? Probably. In the follow up video it shows that he is thirsty for knowledge and wants something better for his life: It… Read more →

Good bye WordPress, hello Pelican

This website has undergone various transformations over the last 10 years. Looking back at the first incarnations from 2003 shows a site that reminds me a lot of current day Facebook and Twitter. An example of my words of wisdom from 2003: And tonight marks the end of a great TV series that it seemed like nobody was watching. Buffy… Read more →

Linux for 1:1 instead of Chromebooks or iPads

(This post is basically me thinking out loud…) Like many districts, my district is looking at devices for a 1:1 program. The top three devices seem to be Chromebooks, iPads, Windows or OS X laptops. Costs are the main driving factor for a lot of districts, which basically means they are choosing between Chromebooks or iPads. While these devices have… Read more →