Tag: twitter

Follow Saturday from #l21conf

Here is a list of great people to follow from Learn 21 Conference March 12, 2014: @bob05 Bob Green Technology coordinator, hockey player, coach and referee. Homepage @chamady Chris Hamady PhD candidate (ABD) at the Univ. of Toledo in Curr. & Instruction, Dir. of Technology Anthony Wayne schools, ADE, Ed. Tech, Musician, Lifelong Learner, Runner Homepage @CherylLKemper Cheryl Kemper High… Read more →

Noteable people from #oetc14

A quick script and I have a list of the people I interacted with on Twitter! I highly recommend following each and every one of person! (And if I missed you, let me know so I can update the list!) @_AmyHansen Amy Hansen @StateImpactOH education reporter, as well as second grade multiplication table champion, reality TV show couch critic, &… Read more →

Following Twitter chats with ttytter.pl

As some of you may know, I’m not a big fan of Twitter chats. They’re very tedious to follow. Part of the blame is Twitter’s fault. Why does my timeline show the newest posts at the top? To follow my time line, I have to read left to right, down, left to right, down, and then when I’m done with… Read more →

Tweetbot 3 is one step forward, two steps back

Tapbots this week released Tweetbot 3, their iOS 7 update to Tweetbot. Unfortunately, they changed one of the best features of Tweetbot. Lists were treated as a first class citizen. You could replace your Timeline with any of your lists with two taps. Now they have moved lists to one of the tabs at the bottom of the screen and… Read more →

Command line tool for Twitter

sferik/t · GitHub A command-line power tool for Twitter. The CLI takes syntactic cues from the Twitter SMS commands, however it offers vastly more commands and capabilities than are available via SMS. I have been using TTYtter: an interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client and Perl platform (whew!) but t looks like it could be a pretty powerful tool in… Read more →

Updating Twitter and Facebook with blog updates

Now that I’ve switched from WordPress to Pelican I’m face with the dilemma on how to update Twitter and Facebook when I post to my blog. In WordPress I used the Social Plugin by MailChimp to automatically post, but plugins are not an option with a static website. But as I was working on a recipe in If This Then… Read more →

Ping.fm bookmarklet for multiple Ping.fm accounts

Since Ping.fm doesn’t allow you to add multiple Twitter accounts to one Ping.fm account, I’ve resorted to have two accounts with them, one for my personal accounts (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace) and one for my professional accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). To update my status for either Ping.fm account I use the special email addresses they offer and my email client. My… Read more →

Following lots of people on Twitter? You need ReadTwit

[![10th November 314/365][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [fifikins][] A couple of months ago I decided to expand my use of Twitter, and began following more and more people in the education community. This was awesome, until I realized I could not keep up with the barrage of data that I was being given. In November I started brainstorming ideas… Read more →