eTech Ohio Technology Conference

After reading John’s blog post yesterday, I realized that not only haven’t I posted anything, I haven’t even begun to look at what sessions I want to go to at the eTech conference. Since I present at 8:00am Monday morning, I’ve been more focused on that. Through the Online Conference Planner I’ve begun to setup the sessions I want to… Read more →

Personas for Firefox – Theming without restarting

When we first started recommending Firefox, one of the first features that the students found was the ability to change themes. Unfortunately, changing a theme is a pretty heavy weight process, requiring a restart of Firefox. Mozilla Labs has been working on a different theming process, Personas, which doesn’t require a restart: Features You can select a Persona from the… Read more →

The oral tradition in the 21st century

The Our Stories™ project helps people share the stories of their lives, no matter where they live or how their stories unfold. We’re providing resources to create and share personal stories from all over the world, starting with children in developing countries who are using One Laptop per Child (OLPC) computers or those who are working with UNICEF radio producers… Read more →

The $50 interactive whiteboard

Take a \$40 Wiimote, an infrared emitting pen and you have the makings of an interactive whiteboard (No Nintendo Wii required). Johnny Chung Lee has been experimenting with the Wiimote. The Wiimote connects to the computer over bluetooth, and inside it is an infrared camera that can track up to 4 LED sources. Check out the video of it in… Read more →

Film enjoyment can be contagious, applying this research to the classroom

Reading over at and the original article at ScienceDaily it appears that film enjoyment can be contagious: Over the course of the film, movie-watchers influence one another and gradually synchronize their emotional responses. This mutual mimicry also affects each participant’s evaluation of the overall experience — the more in sync we are with the people around us, the more… Read more →

Camtasia Studio for free

From Miguel Guhlin who got it from Leonard at the Mobile Learning Blog: TechSmith, the makers of Camtasia Studio (one of the best screen recording and video editing tools around) are offering the full version of Version 3.1.3 for free download. This is a terrific tool for all educators to create resources as well as for learners to create their… Read more →