bookmarklet for multiple accounts

Since doesn’t allow you to add multiple Twitter accounts to one account, I’ve resorted to have two accounts with them, one for my personal accounts (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace) and one for my professional accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). To update my status for either account I use the special email addresses they offer and my email client. My… Read more →

Google Teacher Academy for Administrators Video

I’ve applied to attend the Google Teacher Academy for Administrators, and as part of the submission process I was required to complete a video entitled “Innovative Leadership in the Age of Google”. I decided to list what words inspire me as an educational leader and arrange them with pictures and music. Read more →

OS X Widget to show machine name

[][]I use Apple Remote Desktop or a KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) switcher to administer several OS X servers and machines. When you’re working on machines in this way you can sometimes get confused on which machine you’re currently controlling. If you’re lucky you won’t do anything stupid, but there have been times when I’ve shutdown/restarted a server that I didn’t mean too!… Read more →

Following lots of people on Twitter? You need ReadTwit

[![10th November 314/365][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [fifikins][] A couple of months ago I decided to expand my use of Twitter, and began following more and more people in the education community. This was awesome, until I realized I could not keep up with the barrage of data that I was being given. In November I started brainstorming ideas… Read more →

Top ten skills needed to succeed as a teacher (and technology)

[![when asked whether or not they would continue with the technologies they learned this semester, DMP students had this to say][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [davidsilver][] This article started out as the top ten skills needed to use technology effectively, but as I wrote the list, I realized that technology shouldn’t be separated out. As we proclaim that technology… Read more →

Need a cheap screen for your classroom?

[][] Over at instructables Saul has posted his directions for using Tyvek wrapping for a [Tyvek Projector Screen][]. Since this is used for wrapping houses it is very inexpensive and somewhat durable. He used a pipe in one end to keep it taunt. From reading the comments there are ways of purchasing it without the logo or using other materials, such… Read more →

Facebook’s new privacy settings

[![Screen shot 2009-12-13 at 9.35.36 PM.png][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [ekurvine][] Facebook has begun rolling out new settings for who can see your Facebook profile and what they can see on your profile. I suggest you double-check what is viewable about you. I try to keep my personal FB totally separate from my Facebook Page, so my profile is… Read more →

Setup a Facebook Page instead of using your personal FB account

One common question I see asked all the time is whether or not teachers should friend students on Facebook. Although you can set your privacy settings on Facebook to hide certain aspects of your life from groups of friends, this isn’t fool proof. Friending everyone including students and parents simply begins breaking down yet another wall between your professional life… Read more →

It feels like the 50s with all this Chrome

Although Firefox has been my default browser for several years, every so often I try out alternative browsers. A couple of weeks ago I started to use Chromium (developer builds of Google’s Chrome browser) for OS X and it has now become my default browser. Google has an obsession with speed. In fact, they have found that a .4 second… Read more →