Category: Geek

Three movies in the theater in three days

Through some sort of amazing alignment of the stars, I was able to see three movies in the theater in three days. Some may say that excessive, but how else am I suppose to stay on top of pop culture? The First Purge Rating: ? I’m not a big horror fan, unless it is what I call smart horror. A… Read more →

Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76

It’s weird writing about the death Stephen Hawking, but I felt like I need to, just to honor his life and work. This is a man who at the age of 21 was given the prognosis of only two more years of life. With that proclamation, Dr. Hawking went on to live over 50 more years, changing our understanding of… Read more →

Why is Cuphead so addicting?

I’ve had the game for almost two weeks now, and have only beaten one level and two bosses. It’s hard, but I still keep coming back for more punishment. The game is a deadly combination of addiction and me being a glutton for punishment. Read more →

SCSI2SD with my Macintosh SE/30

As I was working on my SE/30, I knew I didn’t want to go with a SCSI hard drive. I started looking online and came across the SCSI2SD. I purchased mine with a 256MB SD card from Inertial Computing on eBay. Now that it is up and running, I’m very happy with it. When using with an older Macintosh, you… Read more →

The Macintosh SE/30 lives

Tonight, after just a little bit of tinkering, was a good night for my Macintosh SE/30. After I swapped the 2GB SD card in the SCSI2SD drive with a 256MB SD card, I was able to initialize the drive correctly. At first it only set up a 16MB partition, so I did have to re-partition the drive, but after that,… Read more →