Author: ryan
Finished Run, Treadmill, 1547 calories, time 2:12:57, distance 12.00 miles, average 11:05 /mile.
Finished Run, Treadmill, 1547 calories, time 2:12:57, distance 12.00 miles, average 11:05 /mile.
Saving indie bookstores – This Geek in Review for 8 Feb 2019
Whereas social media has been demonized lately, especially Facebook, there are some brights spots such as Instagram saving the independent book store. I’m indifferent to regular books or ebooks, but I know some people (Grace…) would prefer a real book. Youth is wasted on the young.
Another great coffee book for Star Wars fans. I’m going to have to add it to my Christmas list!
Throughout the 20th century, the Titanic had reached almost mythical status due to its location being unknown. Little did I know that Dr. Ballard was also a commander in the US Navy and found the Titanic because he was also doing classified work for the Navy.
I want to know where I get the job to time how long you have to eat McDonald’s Fries.
Autoplaying videos are the worst, but there is hope on the horizon. Firefox 66 is set to block autoplay videos. Reading through the comments makes me weep for humanity, I don’t understand these people that want autoplaying videos.
I knew the first song played by computers was A Bicycle Built for Two, but I never knew about the first computer art.
This is interesting reading, the postmortem on Microsoft Word for Windows 1.0.
Doom, but the sounds are text to speech
How do you get Skynet bent on destroying humanity? Start by harassing self driving vehicles.
A physicist has come up with an equation telling us how long an event can hold humanity’s attention.
Going viral before going viral was a thing – This Geek in Review for 1 Feb 2019
In the beginning of the internet, there was the dancing baby and Crazy Frog. But there was also The Hampster Dance. Here is the history of the iconic song and website. I had no idea that the song came from a Disney movie!
Anything that makes money is going to invite a criminal element, including Fortnite.
Subscribe to this Youtube channel, it’s a crime that he doesn’t have more subscribers!
In my travels, I happened up the command line app that shows a random dad joke in the terminal. The script accesses icanhazdadjoke, which is a rare internet gem. Unfortunately, the terminal script is cumbersome to pull up when I’m on my phone, so I created a shortcut for iPhone users. In the settings you can add the shortcut to your widgets. I will now be king at any kids birthday party, bar mitzvah, or wedding!
Keyboard shortcuts are one of the easiest ways for you to be faster at technology, although even I wouldn’t go to this extreme.
Are you looking for investment opportunities? Maybe you should check out your local Lego store.
This is both creepy and scary at the same time. You’ll never be able to trust a video again.
This video is pretty close to the mark on my fascination with retro tech:
Nerds doing homework at Pizza Hut?
Nerds doing homework at Pizza Hut? -
Happy birthday Macintosh – This Geek in Review for 25 Jan 2019
Sure, the mother of all demos celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, but yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the debut of the Macintosh.
Most people only remember the Macintosh Super Bowl ad, but it cannot be understated the effect the release of the Macintosh had on the world. At a time when most computers were difficult to use, the Macintosh showed us a world where a simple mouse with one button could control the whole machine.
The Macintosh opened the door for the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga the next year, and the initial release of Microsoft Windows, also in 1985.
Technology moments like this are pretty rare. After the Macintosh release in 1984 came the iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007, and the Microsoft Hololens demo in 2015. Yes, the Hololens was announced prematurely, but it has potential.
Although I’m not a big fan, it will be sad not to see the Sweethearts candy this Valentines day.
Finally, an esports league where my years of farming will finally pay off!
Millions of people have become addicted to the smartphone, bordering on addiction, but how many would sell their kidney for one? I know the new iPhone is expensive, but selling body parts really isn’t a long term solution.
If you have kids, you’ve had those moments where the darling child hasn’t responded to a text. Well, a dad got tired of getting the cold shoulder so he created an app that locks the kid’s phone until they respond.
To demonstrate the flexibility Microsoft’s Azure DevOps, Tony Landi set out to develope for the Commodore 64 with it.
Isaac Asimov was way off in his optimism for the pursuit of space when asked to predict 2019 back in 1983.
Do you think you’re good at Tetris? What about a version of Tetris that selects the worst possible piece to give you on each round?