🕹ī¸ Do Something Great! 😄

Author: ryan

  • Learn HTML with Mozilla Thimble

    Although learning html has fallen out of fashion in recent years, I believe it is a skill that is important to know. Even if you’ll never be a professional web developer, there are times when knowing a little html is beneficial. Today I stumbled across Mozilla Thimble.

    It allows you to write html online in the left pain and immediately see the results in the right pane. Once you have completed your masterpiece you can post the page publicly and share the link for all to bask in your gloriousness. What’s more, your masterpiece is available for others to use as a learning tool and remix.

    Thimble is a part of Mozilla Webmaker a “global community dedicated to teaching digital skills and web literacy.” If you don’t know where to start, they have a ton of various projects that you can load directly into Thimble and use to learn html.

  • Managing laptop users in our oneTOone program with Puppet and Hiera

    As we’re getting ready to roll out 300 laptops, we had to figure out how we were going to manage the individual users on the laptops. The laptops, running Ubuntu, are already going to be managed with Puppet. This allows us to take care of all the settings, applications, etc. on the laptops in a central location. After talking to Gary Larizza on IRC, he recommended using Hiera to manage the users on the individual machines. Today I think I have it licked, and these are my notes so I don’t forget what I did!

    I’m very much a beginner with all this, how I’m doing it works for me but may not be the best way to do it. 🙂 First thing was to create the hiera config file, /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml (apparently you need to restart the puppet master after creating this file):

      - yaml
      :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
      - nodeinfo
      - common

    Then I created the test data file. Each computer record will be designated by the computer’s serial number. Hiera will take serial number and find out which student is to be using the laptop. Puppet will then take this information to make sure the user is created. The nodeinfo file right now contains some test data (/etc/puppet/hieradata/nodeinfo.yaml) Password truncated to fit the screen:

      user: testuser
      password: $6$eKwQ23ju$AdqZ/OXWZqK7xGSVKWz6yjpUti9nvMxRzqKmZ
      user: testuser2
      password: $6$eKwQ23ju$AdqZ/OXWZqK7xGSVKWz6yjpUti9nvMxRzqKmZ

    Finally the user resource in puppet looks like this:

    $nodeinfo = hiera($::serialnumber)
    user { $nodeinfo['user']:
    ensure  => present,
    shell   => '/bin/bash',
    managehome  => true,
    password    => $nodeinfo['password'],

    Now I just need write a script to write out the nodeinfo.yaml file based on the inventory and the student passwords.

  • Current level of technology integration, what is advanced?

    Tonight on #OETchat the first question was:

    Q1: What do you believe is the current level or state of technology integration in schools & how effective is it? #OETchat

    I answered that most were beginners, and some were intermediate. Then I said that none were advanced. Do you know of any districts or schools in Ohio that are advanced with technology integration? Responding to comments I started to try to picture what advanced means. I guess at the basic level advanced means that students are creating more than consuming. Creating in this sense means more than just using an office suite.

    What are other aspects of advanced? Maker spaces? Coding? Digital publishing and story telling? What else?

  • Could BYOD Become a Job Requirement?

    Could BYOD Become a Job Requirement:

    “Reliable transportation needed.” Anyone else remember want ads with that line? The jobs in question might not have required much of a resume, but they sure did require proof of a solid vehicle to get you to work on time. Was that fair? Maybe not, but it was the price you paid to make a buck.

    With the advances in technology, virtualization, and remote access technologies, it is becoming easier and easier to support a BYOD program. This is a logical step in the business world, one that some school districts have already taken. Do you know of anyplace that this is happening?

  • Learning from the past: use a Mac Plus and Windows 3.0 machine online

    James Friend has ported Hampa Hug’s PCE Emulator to Javascript, which means you can run it in a browser. He has a Mac Plus running System 7.0.1 and an emulated 186 IBM PC compatible running Windows 3.0.

    While those two things are very cool, it’s in his post Why port emulators to the browser? that I find very interesting:

    I feel very strongly about the importance of learning from the past. In other words: not making the same mistakes again-and-again due to a lack of historical perspective. I was particularly inspired by Bret Victor’s talk at the DBX conference, where he demonstrated a bunch of technologies from the 1970s which attempted to solve problems which we’re still wrestling with today, and effectively asked the question ‘Why haven’t we figured this stuff out yet?’, and more implicitly, ‘Why are people who are working on these problems today unaware of this earlier work? Why have we gone backwards?’.

    This is becoming more and more relevant as time goes on, except in the technology world it seems to go even faster! Web forums are terrible, even with amazing people trying to fix it. Usenet News had online discussions solved 30 years ago, yet we’re stuck with so many apps that are terrible.

    Then there are Twitter chats. One of the most annoying uses of Twitter ever devised. There are websites devoted to following hashtags to make the discussion more meaningful, but in the end, you’re trying to force a piece of software to do something that it was never designed to do. IRC had group discussions solved 20 years ago!

    What examples of solved problems do you know that are no longer solved?

    via: Here, Play With Windows 1.01 And Mac OS System 7 | TechCrunch

  • The Internet Archive has added the Historical Software Archive

    Historical Software Collection

    This collection contains selected historically important software packages from the Internet Archive’s software archives. Through the use of in-browser emulators, it is possible to try out these items and experiment with using them, without the additional burdens of installing emulator software or tracking down the programs. Many of these software products were the first of their kind, or utilized features and approaches that have been copied or recreated on many programs since. (historic software, vintage software, antique software)

    This is pretty awesome, I spent an hour reliving Lemonade Stand. There are IBM DOS apps (such as Wordstar), Atari 8-bit (Elite), and several versions of Pac-Man.

  • iPads for all

    A School’s iPad Initiative Brings Optimism And Skepticism

    One of California’s poorest school districts, the Coachella Valley Unified southeast of Los Angeles, is currently rolling out iPads to every student, pre-kindergarten through high school. It’s an ambitious effort that administrators and parents hope will transform how kids learn, boost achievement and narrow the digital divide with wealthier districts.

    But, as with tablet efforts across the country, this one faces skeptics and obstacles. Some wonder if its projected benefits are being grossly oversold.

    Everytime I read one of these articles, the emphasis seems to dwell on the device. It’s as if there exists the perfect device and every district that picks something different is doing it wrong.

    Concentrate on what you can do with what you have. The best camera is the one you have with you, just like it is with you and your students.

  • Tweetbot 3 is one step forward, two steps back

    Tapbots this week released Tweetbot 3, their iOS 7 update to Tweetbot. Unfortunately, they changed one of the best features of Tweetbot. Lists were treated as a first class citizen. You could replace your Timeline with any of your lists with two taps. Now they have moved lists to one of the tabs at the bottom of the screen and made cumbersome to work with lists.

    I like a lot of the changes, but I have re-installed The older version of Tweetbot and have switched back to it. If you heavily use lists I’d be hesitant to upgrade. I don’t mind paying the price for the newer version, except I don’t expect to lose features.

  • How I fixed my Chrome momentary freezing problem

    For the past couple of months, my main Chrome profile has been frustrating me with its “freezing” everytime the Chrome window was activated. What I mean by this, is that when I clicked on the Chrome window with the troublesome profile, Chrome would freeze/pause for 5-10 seconds. This behavior persisted no matter what platform I used with Chrome.

    Investigating my issue, I would disable every extension, yet the problem continued. I couldn’t find anything online about my particular problem. When logging into the profile for the first time, the freeze wouldn’t happen until everything was synced. It was getting time to just delete that entire profile from Google and start anew. I didn’t want to do that. Finally, as I was looking through the settings in Chrome, I noticed the link to manage my synced data in the Google dashboard. Upon clicking on the link, I noticed I had over 16,000 bookmarks in Chrome being synced! Apparently, in the past, I had used the Delicious extension to sync my Delicious bookmarks with Chrome. What had happened was that it had duplicated all my bookmarks several times. As soon as I deleted the errant folders of Delicous bookmarks, my Chrome profile stopped freezing!!

  • Apple just killed the hackintosh

    Apple announced yesterday at their event that the newest version of OS X, version 10.9 (Mavericks), will be free to all Macintosh computers that can run it. This is pretty amazing, we can finally keep all of our Macs on the same OS instead of us currently supporting three different versions.

    But for hackintosh users, it means that there is no longer a way to purchase a legal copy of OS X. A hackintosh is a computer that is assembled out of parts that can be made to run OS X. It’s a way to get a Mac without paying for a Mac. A lot of users of hackintosh like the challenge, like OS X, but for the most part Apple doesn’t offer a hardware configuration for them. That ends now for those that try to stay as legal as possible, although a hackintosh was never quite legal. The OS X terms of service require OS X to be used on Apple labeled computers, which means even if you buy a copy it’s still not quite legal.

    Although this is probably not what Apple had in mind, it is the end of an era.