Tag: rss

My Newsbeuter config file

And here’s my config file that I use with Newsbeuter. article-sort-order date asc auto-reload yes reload-time 60 show-read-feeds no show-read-articles no mark-as-read-on-hover no bookmark-cmd "~/Development/bookmark" bookmark-autopilot no save-path "~/Documents/Research" Read more →

Using RSS like it’s 1990

I’m a big console fan, preferring to do as much work as possible from the command line. So it shouldn’t be surprised that I also use RSS even as others have abandoned it for things like Twitter. I prefer to supplement my news feeds with Twitter and not replace it. Since the demise of Google Reader, I’ve settled on Feedly… Read more →

Following lots of people on Twitter? You need ReadTwit

[![10th November 314/365][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [fifikins][] A couple of months ago I decided to expand my use of Twitter, and began following more and more people in the education community. This was awesome, until I realized I could not keep up with the barrage of data that I was being given. In November I started brainstorming ideas… Read more →