I forgot to upload my presentation from the Neotech 2014 conference!
Tag: neotech2014
My notes from #neotech2014
Cooking Up Creative Student Presentations
- Using stop motion video to show DNA replication. http://t.co/PiYgYNVTie
- Instead of the book report, use Prezi for Book Talks
- Google Sketchup – Map out the island from Lord of the Flies.
- Aurasma – Augmented reality connected to the physical world.
- Student TED Talks. Student as the expert, demonstrate passion.
- YouTube channel for TED youth videos. All presenters under 21.
- Using Minecraft to model places from their studies.
- @StacyHaw: @mr_rcollins @hammanmath had her #blendedlearning Ss do TED or Ignite talks for their capstone. It was AMAZING!
- Symbaloo – next generation webquests. Students curate resources.
- @StacyHaw: Just subscribed to TEDxYouth http://t.co/OjSlk4DvrO Over 4000 videos
- Create a website for the portfolio. They’re using Google Sites, I like WordPress. đ
- Animoto for presentations. Limited to 30 seconds for free. @sixthKMS this could be something for your commercials.
- Screencasting. Screencast-o-matic for 15 mins. TechSmith Snagit for Chrome. (There is also Screencastify for Chromebooks)
- wideo.co – Video comics
- Lucid Press – Desktop Publishing for the 21st century. Create online and offline documents.
- Socrative and Kahoot for exit slips, formative assessments, etc.
- Bonus resources: Common Craft Videos, BitStrips, Magisto (like Animoto)
- @daniellebezik: Teach out of your comfort zone, Ss learn more when T is also learning
- @StacyHaw: Having a trust relationship is at the center of authentic collaboration
Other sites
- http://bighugelabs.com/
- Interactive simulations
Creating 21st century assignments: autonomous, mas tery learning
- At the heart of everything is empathy.
- Spends 1st ~4 weeks on building legacy, very little content. Build relationships.
- Students move at their own pace toward mastery through autonomy. “Change your philosophy first”
- “We strive to inspire, not motivate. What is your legacy?”
- Presentation link
- “The world you grew up in does not exist and will never again exist” – @ProfessorMike1 @GarthHolman
- Require a blog for students. They must publish.
- “Blogs aren’t graded. Once you start grading creative writing, students write what they think you want to read.”
- “Totally differentiated classroom everyday for every student.”
- Team taught 30 miles away. Posted Skype conversations. 20% students in Chardon don’t have Internet access.
- Sites to check out Diigo and Quizstar.
- “Teach kids how to differentiate for themselves. Technology makes it possible.”
- Instagrok – search tool for students.
- “High school students share resources with 7th graders”
- “We’re killing kids with worksheets. They’re capable of so much more.”
Tech skills 4 the next generation of assessments”
- Started with a Google Doc, going through the standards.
- ELA Common Core code Pulled out anchor standards with technology. Tech may apply to only some grade levels.
- Technology Skills Checklist for Online Assessments
- Once they broke down the standards, looked at tools to support. Most of the statements don’t reference technology.
- Geography used specific technologies the most.
- PARCC is only the assessment, Common Core is the standards.
Using iBooks Author To Write & Publish Student Work
- Kids don’t see the value in writing for one.
- No sense of contribution to society
- They are not leaving behind a legacy
- Developed the idea, all students wrote a chapter one, then collaborated on which parts will be included in the final book.
- Let Ss write about what the Ss are struggling with
- Math Our Way, math textbook written by 6th graders.
- Other books
- It was a dark and stormy classroom
- Canterbury Remixed
- May we suggest…?
- Worked with the speed pathologist and some autistic students to write Social Skills Volume I Became the stars.
- 19 books published in the last two years. ~22,000 downloads.
- In 48+ countries
- It’s more than the downloads, motivation
- Get permission slips/media release form/etc
- Wants more student and teacher created ebooks
- http://t.co/rECj5DQsSr
- Final Thoughts
- Kids need to be creating
- Share!
- Sense of community
- Rushton Hurley