Tag: ifttt


I’m at Basil! 1st time! And I got to enter the location into Foursquare. πŸ™‚ #rc


I’m at Chakeres Cinema 8! The First Purge #rc

Updating Twitter and Facebook with blog updates

Now that I’ve switched from WordPress to Pelican I’m face with the dilemma on how to update Twitter and Facebook when I post to my blog. In WordPress I used the Social Plugin by MailChimp to automatically post, but plugins are not an option with a static website. But as I was working on a recipe in If This Then… Read more →

Thursday 3 for May 16, 2013

Forecast.io I read about Forecast on Macdrifter. This isn’t your everyday weather site. A couple of things make it unique. On the main website there is a time machine button, which allows you to look at what the weather was in the past. The other neat feature is that if you visit it from an iOS device, it asks you… Read more →