Author: ryan
Retro electronics for your TV show and Movie – This Geek in Review for 29 Mar 2019
If you know me, you know I like the 80s. Especially, I like retro electronics. Some may call them antiques, but that word conjures up memories of old lamps and davenports at my grandparents’ houses. Here’s a cool place where TV Shows and Movies get the retro electronics they need.
Whenever I use an emoji instead of typing a response, a little piece of me dies inside. It’s embarrassing to take the easy way out, instead of drafting a witty response, I’ll send a thumbs up. I believe this is how cavemen communicated. Every year picking the right emoji gets easier because new emojis are being added, and 2019 is no exception. Be prepared to start seeing mechanical arms, hearing aids, and wheelchairs.
Our local Family Video closed a couple a months ago, an harbinger of things to come, and now the second to last Blockbuster in the world is closing. There can only be one.
Here’s the story of someone on a higher level than Macgyver, an electrician who converted his wrecked car into a motorbike in the desert and then drove it to civilization.
Bohemian Rhapsody won the Oscar for best editing, but should it have?
And speaking of editing, here’s a look at how editing saved Star Wars:
Now I know why old people complain of people doing stupid things, because here is the story of a company that injects young blood as a fountain of youth cure. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t work.
Someone is a Matthew Broderick fan.
I never knew a ukulele could shred.
Playing Pac-Man – This Geek in Review for 22 March 2019
Thank you for visiting, even with a three week hiatus!
Here is an amazingly in depth article on how we played Pac-Man. Not how we moved the joystick, but how we physically stood while playing the game. I had no idea it was possible to write such a long article on our posture while playing Pac-Man.
Once I hit 10pm, I’m liable to stay up late much to the detriment of myself the next day. Now there is research that shows why this is a problem. Also explains why I liked working 3rd shift.
Yes mom, pizza is a nutritional breakfast!. Now let me stay up late!
And this is why we can’t have nice things, fearing their dogs will develop Autism, some owners are declining vaccinations. There has been research into canine autism, which I didn’t know was a thing, but unless you want a dead dog, be sure to get it vaccinated.
The world wide web browser is 30 years old this year. The first browser and web server ran on the NeXT Computers. NeXT Computers was the company the Steve Jobs created after he was pushed out of Apple, and the operating system that runs on all Macintosh computers, iPhones, and iPads can trace their history to the NeXT computers and operating system. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the world wide web, CERN researchers have recreated the first browser as an online website. Get ready to browse like it’s 1990!
A twofer, the bionic man AND the bionic woman! Plus Bigfoot, who could ask for anything more.
New games get released for older game systems all the time, but here is a new music album released as a Sega Genesis cartridge.
In closing, here is an homemade NES arcade cabinet.
Christchurch, New Zealand was used for the map of Pawnee, IN in Parks and Rec!
Christchurch, New Zealand was used for the map of Pawnee, IN in Parks and Rec!
Finished Run, Treadmill, 2103 calories, time 2:58:33, distance 16.00 miles, average 11:10 /mile.
Finished Run, Treadmill, 2103 calories, time 2:58:33, distance 16.00 miles, average 11:10 /mile.
Goz reviews Captain Marvel
No spoilers in the article, although there may be in the comments. Just don’t scroll down that far if you don’t want to see them.
I wonder how she sees when her eyes are glowing? Last night was the opening of Captain Marvel, opening the way for the last Marvel movie of 2019, Avengers: Endgame in April. There is a Spider-man movie, and a couple of X-men movies coming out in 2019, but they aren’t being created at Marvel Studios.
Captain Marvel is a competent super-hero movie, but origin stories are getting to be a by the numbers affair. At least in this one the audience is joined by Captain Marvel’s alter-ego Vers in not know anything about herself. Brie Larson nails the role and is backed up by an amazing cast, but in the end, it’s an origin story. We see her get powers, overcome diversity, and learn where she fits in. When watching a super hero movie I have a simple way of grading how good the movie is. Am I engrossed in the movie or am I just waiting for the hero to use their powers? Walking out of the 2008 Iron Man it was definitely the former. I wasn’t waiting for Iron Man because the movie was so good. Captain Marvel falls into the latter, I was waiting for her to use her powers.
There are a ton of fun little Easter Eggs through out the movie, and the youngification of Samuel L. Jackson is amazing. The interesting part to me is that ’95 isn’t that much different from ’19, except for the lack of cellphones. The opening Marvel movie credits were touching.
The jokes were pretty good, although I felt that a bunch of them seemed to be out of place. I don’t know if scenes were re-shot to make them funnier or if they added the jokes while filming, but it hurt the pacing of the movie.
I rate Captain Marvel an Evening Showing, not quite a must see opening nighter. And if you were wondering, there are two after credits scenes.