Author: ryan

  • The Empire really strikes back and more – This Geek in Review for 17 Jul 2020

    The Empire really strikes back and more – This Geek in Review for 17 Jul 2020

    This was originally posted on

    The 80s are back!

    We are living in strange times, especially when The Empire Strikes Back and Ghostbusters top the box office charts almost over 35 years after their initial release. I wish it didn’t take a pandemic for some of these great movies to get some theater screen time.

    In other 80s movie news comes the story behind The Pointer Sisters Neutron Dance in Beverly Hills Cop. The song was originally released in 1983, but didn’t become popular until it was attached to Beverly Hills Cop. I didn’t have MTV, so I’ve never seen the video. The video is genius on how it integrates the movie. When you watch the movie again (there is no if you watch it again), be sure to check out the IMDB Trivia page. I love the story behind “the five pounds of red meat in the bowels” bit.

    To boldy go

    I’m torn on the new animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks

    On one hand, I’ll watch anything Star Trek, even if it’s with an inner rage (I’m looking at you, Star Trek Into Darkness). But, on the other hand, I don’t know if Star Trek will work as an animated show. Yes, I know about Star Trek, The Animated Series but that doesn’t mean I’ve watched it.

    Lower Decks will be Star Trek canon, taking place in the Star Trek Prime Timeline (let’s pretend the Kelvin Timeline doesn’t exist). The show is set in 2380, which places it right after Star Trek: Nemesis and 5 years before the destruction of the Utopia Planitia Shipyards. I was hoping that it would take place in the same year as Star Trek: Picard since I’m sick and tired of everything being a prequel. I want to see time move forward!

    Amazon at 25

    Amazon, the online store powerhouse, turned 25 this past week. I can’t find my early orders, the website only goes back to 2006 for me, but I know one of my first purchases was the Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual. Since then, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on the site, which is just plain scary. But, living in the middle of nowhere means that you have to mail order just about anything.

    Thank goodness we no longer have to wait 6-8 weeks for delivery. We must have had the patience of Job back in the 70s and 80s.

    An investment for the future?

    When a sealed copy of Super Mario Bros. sells for over $100K, it’s a good thing for a seller, but a bad thing for the hobby. Every person who is currently holding on to sealed copies of games will now think that their games are worth a lot more than they are.

    If it ain’t broke

    Russia’s Retro Lenin Museum Still Runs on Decades-Old Apple II Computers


    Did you know that it is Chuck Yeager’s voice that airline pilots try to imitate for in flight announcements?

    I need TP!

    One of the smartest shows of the 90s was Beavis and Butthead, and
    they are coming back! I can’t wait to see what Mike Judge has in store for them. Not only was Beavis and Butthead awesome, but then along came King of the Hill, the show that is how I imagine it is like to live in Texas.

    To catch a CSGO cheater

    I don’t know what is more genius, the writing of the fake cheater software or the naming of the punishments. The karma burns for these CSGO cheaters.

  • Find your shows streaming and more – This Geek in Review for 10 Jul 2020

    Find your shows streaming and more – This Geek in Review for 10 Jul 2020

    RIP Online Streaming

    I signed up with YouTube TV right after the first price hike to $40. It was, and still is, pretty awesome. Unfortunately, with the price going up to $65 it means I’m going to cancel. Someone needs to tell the content producers that they just can’t keep raising rates for distributors. Along the same line, just because you can start a streaming service doesn’t mean you should. With all of the fractured streaming services that are available, it was only a matter of time before a service such as JustWatch would be released.

    Now, you can search for the show you want to watch, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and find out exactly where you can watch it. Apparently, it is currently on Hulu.

    I don’t know whether it’s the terrible HD remaster, I hope not. I fired up the first episode and it is not in HD, so someone is lying.

    Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?

    Here’s an article on procrastination, I think I’ll read it later.

    No, just no

    I’ve got to admit, the first computer I lusted over was the ZX-81 kit computer. For the first time, a computer was almost in my price range at $99. Luckily, I never pulled the trigger because that computer would have been an exercise in frustration. A computer that was more famous in the US was the VIC-20. and it’s getting it’s own re-release. The VIC-20 is one up on the crappiness scale from the ZX-81, but hey, if that’s your jam, who am I to argue?

    Paging Bobby Tables

    SQL injection is a method of changing a database with a database query that’s ran outside of the context of the app. Here is a great story about some help desk software that had an SQL injection problem.

    Where students are held in place by magnets

    Magnets are magical, but they probably shouldn’t be stuck up your nose when inventing a coronavirus device.

    Pull my finger

    MSCHF and MrBeast set up elaborate pranks on the internet, and this past week the unleashed Finger on the App. The game was simple, once you start the app, you have to put your figure on the screen and not remove it. Periodically the app would ask you to move your finger.

    The game went on for more than 70 hours before MrBeast ended the game and gave the final four each $20,000.

    The shopping can’t wait!

    If you are an elected official, you probably shouldn’t use government owned equipment for personal reasons. What’s even more important is to not go shopping during an important board meeting.

    I thought the future was so bright I would need to wear shades

    Here’s a movie from 1947 showing what the future would look like. Although the movie is in French, and it is showing portable televisions, it still looks eerily like today with smartphones.

  • FYI, I Spit on Your Grave 1,2, & 3 are on Plex Movies & TV

    FYI, I Spit on Your Grave 1,2, & 3 are on Plex Movies & TV

  • Smartphone spying and more – This Geek in Review for 3 Jul 2020

    Smartphone spying and more – This Geek in Review for 3 Jul 2020

    Security today is a lot different than security was even 10 years ago. We carry more and more of our personal data in our smartphones. This is why Apple and Google have been strengthening the security of their systems. In iOS 14 Apple is adding an alert to let you know when an Application accesses the clipboard and it’s already caught TikTok and 53 other iOS apps snooping on you. The clipboard stores any information that you copy, such as text and pictures. What is unknown is what these apps are doing with the information from the user’s clipboard. This gets worse if you have a Mac with continuity turned on, which means your iPhone and Mac share the clipboard. Anything you copy to the clipboard on the Mac is automatically placed in the iPhone clipboard.

    One of the best security practices you can do is to turn on two-factor authentication on your accounts. Almost everyone uses one factor authentication, something you know in the form of your username and password. Your second factor would be something you have, such as your smartphone. Before a service allows you to authenticate, you not only have to have your username & password, but you also have to have your smartphone. If you don’t turn it on before your an account is compromised then the crooks may do it for you. Once the crook turns it on, it becomes very difficult to get control of your account again. So, turn it on, do it now! And be sure to save the backup codes in a safe place, such as printing them out and putting them in a safe.

    Grandpa Pokemon Grandpa has leveled up to 64 phones on his bike so he can play multiple copies of Pokemon Go. Impressive not only on riding with that many phones, but to also know what’s going on with all of those phones!

    Excel is my DAW

    Why spend time and money learning Protools or GarageBand, when you can use Excel instead?

    I love retro tech as much as anybody, and I would love to have a portable way to listen to my copy of Pac-man fever album on 8-track. There is a beautiful genius on Reddit has made his own 8-track Walkman.

    If the cost to produce a product goes up, and you want to keep the same profit margin you can either raise the cost of the product or remove items from the product. The rumor is that for the iPhone 12 Apple will choose the latter option and won’t include a charger in the box or earbuds. I find this hard to believe, especially if the charging cable is USB-C. A lot of people have extra USB-A chargers lying around, but few have extra USB-C chargers. The earbuds are less of an issue, unless they are upgrading from a phone that had a headphone jack. But, hey, let’s get people to buy AirPods!

    What killed Blockbuster

    We never had a local Blockbuster. Even at college we were more likely to go to a small local rental place rather than a Blockbuster. All I heard was that their prices were high.

    Oh, and they had the chance to buy Netflix for $50 million.

  • Playing around with Rainmeter

    Playing around with Rainmeter

    I was looking for a way to put notes on my Windows desktop and stumbled on to Rainmeter.

    It’s a little confusing to set up, and I haven’t figured out how to put some notes on the screen, but it does look cool.

    For my macOS friends, you can check out GeekTool.