Author: ryan

  • Last minute inauguration resources

    Here are some links to resources on the Internet covering the
    inauguration today.

    I would advise, if possible, to use a TV and cable to watch live video
    of the event. There is a really good chance that most of the live video
    over the Internet will melt down today with the number of people wanting
    to watch the inauguration.

    Links to major news sites:

    Parade route:


    Photos and videos and live updates:[


  • Group Twitter bot

    Chris Hamady had the idea that at the eTech Ohio State Technology
    we should be able to use Twitter to communicate
    great things that individuals see throughout the conference. It needed
    to be set up easy enough for people that have not been using Twitter to
    use. After discussions with John Schinker, they contacted me and I came
    up with the idea of a twitter bot that people would follow, and direct
    messages to that bot would be sent to all the bot’s followers. This way
    most people can just follow the bot and get updates, and those that
    wanted to send out an update would only need to send a direct message to
    the bot with the update.

    The way the bot works is off of the emails that Twitter sends out when a
    Twitter account receives a notification of a new follower or a direct
    message. The requirements for the bot are:
    • A twitter account (in this case it is etechohio09)
    • An email account with POP3 access (in this case a gmail account is
    used. This email account address needs to be secret because there isn’t
    any checking on the validity of where an email came from so this would
    allow people without even a Twitter account to spam the bot)
    • a unix based host with php at the command line (I use Ubuntu, but it
    should work in OS X)
    • fetchmail also needs to be available

    The process to set up the bot is as follows:
    1. An email account is set up at gmail. This account must of pop3
    turned on, which you can do from the gmail settings.
    2. Create a Twitter account, using the above email account. In Twitter
    be sure to go to Settings -> Notices and have the notices for followers
    and direct messages checked.
    3. Set up an account on the unix host for the bot.
    4. Login to the account on the unix host.
    5. Create the .fetchmailrc:

         nano -w .fetchmailrc

    ​6. Enter the following lines to that file:

         set logfile /home/UNIXACCOUNT/fetchmail.log
         poll "" proto POP3 timeout 100 no uidl
         no envelope user "[email protected]"
         password "BOTPASSWORD" fetchlimit 100 ssl

    ​7. Create the logfile:

         touch fetchmail.log

    ​8. Create the .forward file:

         nano -w .forward

    ​9. Enter the following line:


    ​10. Download [twitterbot.php][], and make it executable:

         chmod +x twitterbot.php

    ​11. Edit twitterbot.php and enter your Twitter username and password:

         nano twitterbot.php

    ​12. Start up fetchmail in daemon mode and your bot should be

         fetchmail -d 60

    What will happen is that fetchmail will check the email account every 60
    seconds. Any email will be downloaded and each message passed to
    twitterbot.php. twitterbot.php will examing the headers for the twitter
    command and then act accordingly. If it is a new follower, twitterbot
    will start following that person. If it is a direct message, twitterbot
    will then post that message to the bot’s timeline for all its followers
    to read.

    The email class used for this twitterbot came from,
    modified to pull out a few of the X-headers that Twitter adds so the bot
    can figure out the type of message and who is sending it.

  • Teacher covers copy costs with ads

    Ads on tests add up for teacher –

    “Tough times call for tough actions,” he says. So he started selling
    ads on his test papers: \$10 for a quiz, \$20 for a chapter test, \$30
    for a semester final.

    Interesting way to deal with cost cutting, but I don’t know the
    sustainability of the model. Right now the ads are pretty tame:

    About two-thirds of Farber’s ads are inspirational messages
    underwritten by parents. Others are ads for local businesses, such as
    two from a structural engineering firm and one from a dentist who
    urges students, “Brace Yourself for a Great Semester!”

    We already have sponsorships in the schools with Pepsi and Coke
    vying for exclusivity contracts, but once teachers start advertising,
    where does it end? Is there oversight of his ads? What happens and a
    religious organization wants to advertise?

    Coming soon to a test near you?


  • HIW (How I Work): The Apple MacBook

    I am asked quite often how I can keep up with everything in regards
    to educational technology, software, and hardware. After some
    reflection, I realized that it would make a good series of articles, so
    I’m going to write up How I Work.

    First up is probably the most important component of my technology
    arsenal, my Apple MacBook. During the spring of 2006 I was
    researching upgrading my 17″ iMac to a new MacBook Pro. The plan
    was to buy a beefy enough MacBook Pro that I wouldn’t want to upgrade
    for awhile. I specc’ed out the MacBook Pro that I wanted to be almost
    \$2,500! I wasn’t happy being stuck with getting such a large laptop,
    but I was in luck that Apple then announced the MacBook. After realizing I could buy a MacBook and an iMac for the same
    price as the MacBook Pro, I ordered my MacBook. After
    using it, I realized I didn’t even need a desktop at home.

    With my MacBook and VMware Fusion, I get the best
    of all worlds. I run OS X 10.5 mainly, but have a Windows XP and
    Ubuntu virtual machines also installed on the machine. Since the
    original purchase I’ve bumped the memory from 1GB to 2GB and the hard
    drive from 80GB to 200GB.

    Unfortunately, come summer 2009 when I’ll be looking at upgrading I
    don’t know what I’ll do. The new MacBook’s lack of firewire is almost a
    deal killer for me.

    When I am at home I hook my MacBook up to a 17″ LCD
    monitor and use a cheap [\$30 Micro Innovations wireless keyboard and
    mouse I purchased from Wal-mart][] (mine is a dark grey, not the hideous
    color from the picture). The combo works pretty well, except sometimes I
    have to unplug and re-plug the USB dongle that works with the set when I
    wake the MacBook up from sleep. That’s also where I keep an external
    hard drive to maintain my laptops backups using OS X’s Time Machine.

    [\$30 Micro Innovations wireless keyboard and mouse I purchased from

  • New page: About Me

    I’ve create an About Me page that gives some background information
    on how I got to where I am today.

  • Portable blogging

    I’m testing out a mobile blogging client for my Windows Mobile 5.0
    Smartphone, MoBlog. It appears to work ok, including allowing me to
    insert an image from my phone. I’ll post a longer review once I’ve had
    more time to play with it.

  • Next fall, every school district in Florida is required to set up an online school for K-8

    [In Florida, virtual school could make classrooms history —][]

    > A new law that takes effect next fall requires every district in the
    > state to set up an online school for kindergarten through eighth-grade
    > students.

    This is fascinating to me, and I’m surprised that this didn’t get more
    news coverage when the legislation was being passed in Florida. Each
    district still gets the \$6,000 per student, and most are going to buy
    the services of a couple of companies that provide online education
    instead of create their own online curriculum. Even the computer and
    Internet connection are provided to the students.

    I could see this being a watershed moment in the aspect of educational
    technology. Can education be provided digitally and will students learn
    just as well as they do in a classroom of 20 students? The pitfalls are
    enormous, mostly centering around socialization skills, although this
    should be a solved problem with the years of home schooling that have
    taken place. [In the spring of 2003, 1,096,000 students were being home
    schooled in the United States][].

    (* Thanks to Kevin Jarrett and his tweet! *)

    [In Florida, virtual school could make classrooms history —]:,0,978666.story
    [In the spring of 2003, 1,096,000 students were being home schooled in
    the United States]:

  • Codeweavers Crossover Pro and Games for Mac and Linux Free today only!

    Codeweavers is offering two of their products for Mac and Linux free
    today only
    . I’ve only played around with Crossover when it was still
    in Beta, but this is some exciting news. I’m hoping it can run VMWare’s
    console application so I don’t have to start up VMware Fusion on my

  • Posting from my ipod

    Showing off the WordPress app for the iPod.