šŸ•¹ļø Do Something Great! šŸ˜„

Author: ryan

  • Good bye WordPress, hello Pelican

    This website has undergone various transformations over the last 10 years. Looking back at the first incarnations from 2003 shows a site that reminds me a lot of current day Facebook and Twitter. An example of my words of wisdom from 2003:

    And tonight marks the end of a great TV series that it seemed like nobody was watching. Buffy the Vampire Slayer ends its seven season run with the episode “Chosen”.

    I feel that this series never got the recognition it deserved, with such great episodes like Hush and Once more with Feeling, the creator Joss Whedon was never afraid to totally change your perception of characters.

    At least Angel will be back this fall, and I’ve been buying the Buffy DVDs. The plan is to watch Season 2 this fall on Tuesday nights.

    (I now own the entire series of Buffy on DVD, just in case you were worried)

    In those days I was running Postnuke, and apparently by 2005 I had switched over to WordPress, which I had used up until last month. I have nothing against WordPress, and for a majority of users, WordPress is the way to go. For myself, I was getting tired of administrating the site more than writing and I wanted more speed without jumping through a bunch of hoops. So last month I switch to Pelican

    Pelican is a website generator written in Python. The difference between something like WordPress and Pelican is that WordPress parses each web page as a user views it while Pelican generates the site ahead of time as html pages that can be uploaded anywhere. This means I can host my website any place that supports static web pages. I’m currently using a virtual private service (VPS) to host my website. When I’m tired of administrating my VPS, I can easily switch to publishing on Amazon S3. Other options include the Public folder in Dropbox or in Google Drive.

    Another aspect of Pelican I really like is the ability to check my entire site into version control (git in my case). With version control, I can easily work on new branches of the site without disturbing the current site. And, if you’re bored, you can fork the repo of the site at Github.

    My comments were already switched over to Disqus, and I was able to mimic the same urls from WordPress in Pelican. This allowed me to use my Disqus comments as is.

    There are two pieces that I need to work on. One is to set up some way to schedule posts, and the other is a theme that’s not the default. Oh, I also need to go through all my old posts and fix the categories. WordPress allowed multiple categories per post, Pelican does not.

  • Linux for 1:1 instead of Chromebooks or iPads

    (This post is basically me thinking out loud…)

    Like many districts, my district is looking at devices for a 1:1
    program. The top three devices seem to be Chromebooks, iPads, Windows or
    OS X laptops. Costs are the main driving factor for a lot of districts,
    which basically means they are choosing between Chromebooks or iPads.
    While these devices have their uses, I’m wondering why we aren’t looking
    at Linux laptops (probably running Ubuntu). There are districts with
    districts with Linux laptops, with Ubermix being pretty prevalant.

    Ubermix has some neat features, the most important one is the ability
    for a student to re-set their laptop on their own with quick
    . In my mind, I’m thinking of extending this function along
    with what I’ve learned from my GozBrowserBox project. I would
    probably use the idea of Ubermix but with a straight Ubuntu install.

    Each laptop would be set up to use Puppet in a serverless manner for
    management and the student’s home folder would be synced to a Network
    Attached Storage device. The Puppet manifests would be synced and ran at
    startup, and the home folder syncing would happen only at log in and log
    off. Both of these to minimize any bandwidth issues. I haven’t quite
    figured out how to do user management. It could be done with Puppet for
    1:1 managed machines, and use our current directory for shared devices.

    This setup would be very, very powerful. Not only could they do
    everything a Chromebook could do, but they would give the students
    access to software that’s not available on the web. This is a very
    important consideration for students in 7th grade and lower, since most
    websites limit usage by those under the age of 13. Management becomes a
    non-issue with a quick recovery setup and Puppet.

    Cost per device would be between $300-$350 (without case). Comparable
    Chromebooks cost $280-$310 with Google Management, and the iPad mini
    starts at $329 (but can’t be used with the PARCC tests, so you really
    need to start at $399).

    What have I missed?

  • Re-purpose old machines as Chrome Browser boxes – Introducing the GozBrowserBox

    I’ve been going back and forth on when to formally announce the
    GozBrowserBox project. On one hand, I’m sure it’s ready to be used, but
    on the other hand, I’m afraid I forgot something! Anyway, without
    further ado…

    Introducing the GozBrowser Box

    is a set of scripts that will take an Ubuntu installation and set up a full
    screen browser box. It works very well
    with lower end machines and makes them more useful. There are three

    • Standalone: For Intel machines with at least 512MB of RAM, this
      configuration will set up the machine to launch Chrome full screen
      running on the local machine.
    • Browser server: For Intel machines with a couple GBs of RAM, this
      configuration sets up the machine like the standalone machine above,
      but also allows remote access for clients.
    • Browser client: For PowerPC machines (like eMacs, iBooks, etc) or
      Intel machines with at least 256MB of RAM (it may work with less, I
      haven’t had a chance to test it). This configuration requires some
      network configuration to resolve the machine name browser.

    All three configurations use Chrome to it’s fullest, including Flash and


    Check it out over on Github!

  • T3: Copyrights, bosses, and MOOCs

    Prince Georgeā€™s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of studentsā€™ work

    One of the main cornerstones of education is sharing. What one teacher
    or student creates is freely shared with others, for the benefits of the
    system. Unfortunately, Prince George is currently review a policy that
    would assign all work completed by teachers and students to the
    district. From what I understand about copyright, teacher work could
    conceivably fall under work for hire, which means the school district
    could assert this ownership. But should they? For students the legality
    is a bit murky. Since the students do not work for the district, it
    would be a stretch to believe that the district could assert copyright.

    Why ā€œBossesā€ are Poor Leaders

    Bosses are a dime a dozen. Leaders can be one in a million.

    Reminds me of another quote I’ve read:

    You do things for your boss because you have to, you do things for a
    leader because you want to.

    Coursera forced to call off a MOOC amid complaints about the course

    As MOOCs grow in popularity, there will be growing pains, and here is a
    story with 40,000 of them.

    Among the comments on blogs and Twitter: “Wowzers, 40,000 students
    signed up for #foemooc considering google spreadsheets limit of 50
    simultaneous editors … not a good choice!”

  • Yearly conferences

    Next week I will be attending my 15th (I think) Ohio eTech Technology
    (OETC). Over the years I’ve learned a few things. Ignore
    the vendor presentations, flip through the vendor hall quickly for free
    swag, talk to the students that are presenting, attend teacher
    presentations, network and discuss with others. My goal is to learn one
    new thing, and I usually succeed. That being said, does the time
    allotment make learning that “one new thing” worth it? Of all the items
    I mentioned above, the free swag from vendors is the only thing I can’t
    do virtually.

    By the time there is a presentation on a topic I’m interested, I’ve
    already researched the topic, visited websites, watched videos. Once the
    conference rolls around, I will attend presentations, take notes, ask
    questions, and hopefully I’ll come away with some insight or piece of
    information that I didn’t get online. More often than not this doesn’t
    happen (thankfully, the number of bullet point presentations has gone
    down immensely!).

    This year a hot topic is Blended Learning, the combination of
    face-to-face instruction with online instruction. A relatively new term,
    Blended Learning is continuing the flipped classroom model, which
    really took off with the Salman Khan and the Khan Academy. The irony
    of Blended Learning being the main topic of the first day of OETC is
    the fact that most of what OETC is could be delivered online. Looking
    through the Schedule searching for blended learning didn’t bring
    up any sessions that actually demonstrate blended learning. And by
    demonstrate, I mean that they don’t give resources for a participant to
    use before the session so they can come into the session informed and
    ready. Instead, these sessions will more than likely be a lecture.

    There is a chance for something amazing to happen this year. On Tuesday
    the first Un-conference will take place, OETCx. Ohio eTech is
    supplying several rooms for a totally different take on what a
    conference could be. I’m excited and will be a total hypocrite for what
    I said above. I will be doing an ignite style session, the OETCx
    where I will have 5 mins and 20 slides to tell a story. I’m
    also on a panel called the OETCx App Smackdown. I’m excited to be a
    part of OETCx and to have the chance to push forward what conferences
    could be like.

  • Thursday 3 for Jan. 31, 2013 – Educon 2.5

    EduCon 2.5 took place this past weekend in Philadelphia. I was
    extremely lucky and grateful for a chance to attend last year, and
    attend isn’t quite the right word to use. A better word would be

    What is EduCon?
    EduCon is both a conversation and a conference.

    It is an innovation conference where we can come together, both in
    person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session
    will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas ā€” from the very
    practical to the big dreams.

    Videos of Educon sessions

    All of the sessions are available to watch on Youtube!. Try not to
    be overwhelmed by the number of videos, just take one a day/week/month.
    A great resource for an edchat in your school district and a glimpse
    into how learning takes place in other schools.

    Why Preaching to the #educhoir Really DOES Matter

    I’ve written about the echo chamber before and the perils therein,
    but Bill Ferriter writes how sometimes you need the echo chamber.

    The simple truth is that being a change agent can be a REALLY lonely

    Hashtag visualization of Educon 2.5

    Jonathan Becker has put together a visualization of all the
    with the [hashtag #educon][]. It drags my
    machine down to a crawl, but it is still useful. šŸ™‚

  • Thirty years of tech, where are we now?

    This January marks the 30 year anniversary of the Apple //e and the
    Apple Lisa. While the Apple //e had profound effects on the computer
    world throughout the 80s, I am in awe of how much the Apple Lisa
    foretold of the computing world. No matter what your thoughts are of
    Steve Jobs, the man had a knack for going “where the puck is going to
    be, not where it has been
    “. Reading through BYTE magazine review of
    the Apple Lisa
    shows what Steve was envisioning. It seems so quaint
    how the writer had to describe using the “mouse”, what the “desktop”
    was, and how to double-click.

    Although the Lisa was a failure in the marketplace and its document
    centric model being bypassed by an app centric model, it did set the
    stage for the direction of computers over the next 30 years. BYTE
    magazine, the world’s second personal computer magazine, started
    publication in 1975 as a platform agnostic magazine. The Lisa was so
    different that the reviewer didn’t quite know how to review the
    computer, and, in fact, foresaw the end of the megahertz race and the
    death of computer specs.

    Reporting on the technical specifications of a computer toward the end
    of an article is unusual for BYTE, but it emphasizes tha the why of
    Lisa is more important than the what. For part of the market, at
    least, the Lisa computer will change the emphasis of microcomputer
    from “How much RAM does it have?” to “What can it do for me?”.

    The Lisa also had a sleep feature, much like hibernate under Windows and
    how iOS on the iPhone and iPad react to sleeping and waking.

    … thing happens when you turn the Lisa “off” (actually, it’s never
    completely off; it just goes into a low-power mode). In any case, when
    you hit the Off button, system software automatically closes all open
    files, thus transferring the information in them to their respective
    floppy disks, and releses the disks from the Lisa disk drives. In
    addition, the software records the status of the “desktop” so that,
    when the computer is reactivated, Lisa automatically returns it to the
    appearance and state it was in when the Lisa was turned “off”.

    It seems that when people try to predict the future there are only two
    different scenerios. The more likely gradual changes, and the so far out
    there changes that the chance of them being right is slim and
    unbelievable. The Lisa shows that Apple was the latter, and it amazes me
    what they were thinking up in the years leading up to its release. Apple
    did get inspiration on the GUI from Xerox Parc, but their additions,
    such as pull-down menus, overlapping windows, are the excence of Apple,
    refinement of an idea.

    Xerox PARCā€™s innovation had been to replace the traditional computer
    command line with onscreen icons. But when you clicked on an icon you
    got a pop-up menu: this was the intermediary between the userā€™s
    intention and the computerā€™s response. Jobsā€™s software team took the
    graphical interface a giant step further. It emphasized ā€œdirect
    manipulation.ā€ If you wanted to make a window bigger, you just pulled
    on its corner and made it bigger; if you wanted to move a window
    across the screen, you just grabbed it and moved it. The Apple
    designers also invented the menu bar, the pull-down menu, and the
    trash canā€”all features that radically simplified the original Xerox
    parc idea.

    The difference between direct and indirect manipulationā€”between three
    buttons and one button, three hundred dollars and fifteen dollars, and
    a roller ball supported by ball bearings and a free-rolling ballā€”is
    not trivial. It is the difference between something intended for
    experts, which is what Xerox PARC had in mind, and something thatā€™s
    appropriate for a mass audience, which is what Apple had in mind. PARC
    was building a personal computer. Apple wanted to build a popular

    Read more:

    So here we are, 30 years later. A half billion iOS devices have been
    sold, and more people than ever have more computing power in their
    pocket then what was used to put a man on the moon. Apple now generates
    almost as much revenue in a quarter than Microsoft does in a year. With
    $137 billion in the bank, what do they have planned for the future?

    For your students, Powerful technology is available for $25
    , what are they going to create over the next 30 years?

  • Thursday 3s for Jan. 24, 2013: Student tech skills, tablets vs. IWBs, and menu calendar

    5 technology skills every student needs before they leave high school

    Jeremy Kaiser writes about 5 technology skills every student needs
    before they leave high school
    . Technology moves fast, but even this
    article which is almost 2 years old holds relevance today. What is
    missing is the mobile component, which in 2011 wouldn’t be as obvious as
    it is today. All of his skills can be done with the most basic of hand
    held devices today, but in your classrooms, how many of these skills are
    being used?

    Why AppleTV & iPad beats Interactive Whiteboard?.every time

    Why AppleTV & iPad beats Interactive Whiteboard?.every time. Pretty
    much sums up my thoughts on the subject. šŸ™‚ Along the same lines is an
    article from Information Week on Why Tablets Will Kill Smart Boards In


    Running OS X and want to make that menu clock more useful? Check
    out Day-O. It replaces the menu bar clock that still shows the date
    and time, but when you click on it, Day-O gives you a monthly calendar.
    Quite handy when you want to look for a date quickly.

  • Your inbox is not an organizational tool

    is the technology that everyone loves to hate. They use it daily, and most hate
    every minute of it. I believe part of the problem
    is the difficulty in coming up with a workflow that allows you to
    efficiently use email. And by efficiently use email, I mean that whether
    you are on your computer, a tablet, or smartphone, you can organize your
    email and do work with the device you have with you.

    Over the past couple of years I’ve been refining how I use email. The
    problem is how to organize your email in such a way that allows you to
    not miss important emails or tasks that need to be completed, but to
    also provide quick responses to emails you are sent. The workflow I’ve
    come up with I call DART: Delete, Archive, Reply or To do. It’s a
    very GMail centric workflow, but can easily be adapted to whatever email
    system you use. The beauty of it is that your inbox is always empty, and
    any emails that need further action are in the folder To Do. DART
    refers to actions taken with new emails.


    Pretty self explanatory, the trick is to know what to delete and what to
    not delete. I basically only delete SPAM messages that have gotten past
    the SPAM filter or sales messages of which pertains to things outside of
    my area. Deleting messages is in actuality a task that does not take
    very often because Archiving makes more sense.


    When you archive a message in GMail, it takes the message out of your
    inbox and places it in All Mail. You can mimic this action with other
    email services, just create an All Mail folder and move messages into
    it. To locate messages a person will use search instead or organizing
    emails into folders or labels. Sometimes it makes sense to put things
    into folders instead of just All Mail, but in a majority of situations
    it takes more time to organize your email into folders instead of just
    putting them into All Mail and using search to locate your messages.
    GMail provides search tools such as from: and to: to help locate
    messages from or sent to particular people. Most of the email messages I
    receive are archived because they do not warrant a reply and are not
    something that is actionable by me.


    If I receive a message that requires a short reply that will take me
    less than a minute to write, I will compose the message and send it as
    soon as possible.

    To do

    For messages that require a longer reply or ones that require me to
    complete a task, they are moved to my To Do folder. This folder then
    becomes my To Do list. I have one location where I can go and take
    care of all my tasks, without rummaging through my inbox.


    By using DART, inbox 0 is achievable. Messages you need or want saved
    are in All Mail and messages that are actionable are in To Do.


    When using GMail from an iOS device, the default action is to archive
    any email that is deleted, so, in effect, it combines the Delete and
    Archive feature into just Archive. You can adjust this in your
    settings, but I’d recommend using the GMail app for most of your email
    needs (although you will still need your account added to your email
    accounts in settings for sending emails from apps). A nice feature of
    the GMail app is the Unread view.

    BTW, my assistant really wanted it called FART (Follow Up, Archive,
    Reply, Trash).