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$100,000 video games – This Geek in Review for 22 Feb 2019

Retro video game collecting will never be up there with art, but sometimes it gets pretty close, such as this unopened copy of Super Mario Bros. for the NES. What makes this copy special, besides the unopenness, is the fact that it is from the first batch released in the United States. It’s not shrink wrapped, instead it is sealed with a sticker.

Do you like geeky lapel pins? Then maybe you should browse through the selection of enamel lapel pins by pinsanity. There are several very cool pins, especially some from The Office.

Last week was the research into how long you have to eat French fries, this week its all about quality. Surprising how high up Del Taco is, being from Ohio, I assumed Del Taco was just a poor man’s Taco Bell. It is depressing that only one fast food restaurant offers the best type of French fry, crinkle cut.

Sierra games created a ton of games, and so naturally, someone had to create a website where you can make customized death screens. Too bad it’s not an app.

People send each other emojis all the time, but when a crime is committed, courts are struggling with the intent implied by emojis..

Sometimes watching guest stars on Saturday Night Live is very distracting by their reliance on cue cards. Here is a fascinating look at those cue cards.

Geeks are already creating their own video game leagues, but what happens when geeks want to compete in a more physical way? They bring out the lightsabers!

Imagine Lada Gaga’s Bad Romance as a fugue. Actually, you don’t have to imagine it because we live in a world where it exists.