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Thursday 3s for Jan. 24, 2013: Student tech skills, tablets vs. IWBs, and menu calendar

5 technology skills every student needs before they leave high school

Jeremy Kaiser writes about 5 technology skills every student needs
before they leave high school
. Technology moves fast, but even this
article which is almost 2 years old holds relevance today. What is
missing is the mobile component, which in 2011 wouldn’t be as obvious as
it is today. All of his skills can be done with the most basic of hand
held devices today, but in your classrooms, how many of these skills are
being used?

Why AppleTV & iPad beats Interactive Whiteboard?.every time

Why AppleTV & iPad beats Interactive Whiteboard?.every time. Pretty
much sums up my thoughts on the subject. 🙂 Along the same lines is an
article from Information Week on Why Tablets Will Kill Smart Boards In


Running OS X and want to make that menu clock more useful? Check
out Day-O. It replaces the menu bar clock that still shows the date
and time, but when you click on it, Day-O gives you a monthly calendar.
Quite handy when you want to look for a date quickly.