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Twitter tracking

I’ve been playing around with Twitter for a little while (and if you’re
really bored, you can follow me). A very cool feature is tracking.
It works when you link your Twitter account with your instant messenger
of choice. I’m currently tracking the following terms:

  • education
  • ed tech
  • ipod touch
  • educational technology

I then see any tweet posted with those terms. It’s a great way to find
sites that you didn’t even know you needed. Just this week I found
Glossy – MoLeNet:

“The Glossy project will undertake a large-scale development and
implementation of mobile learning across Gloucestershire College
utilising the mobile devices that learners already own. A comparative
study will be made by providing a range of mobile devices for learners
in excluded groups at Gloucestershire College and learners with learning
difficulties and disabilities at National Star College. The project will
put in place an infrastructure that will allow learners using devices
which they already own to access learning activities and content through
a mobile learning portal in conjunction with the college VLE.”

This is a very interesting project, to utilize mobile devices that
students already have. I plan on following their blog and am very
interested in their findings.

Tags: twitter, mobile devices, education