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Tag: widget

  • OS X Widget to show machine name

    [Dashboard screenshot][]I use Apple Remote Desktop or a KVM
    (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) switcher to administer several OS X servers and
    machines. When you’re working on machines in this way you can sometimes
    get confused on which machine you’re currently controlling. If you’re
    lucky you won’t do anything stupid, but there have been times when I’ve
    shutdown/restarted a server that I didn’t mean too!

    Over Christmas break I wrote a little OS X widget call Show Name. All it
    does is show the name of the current machine. To start using it you just
    install the widget onto your Dashboard. Once there, it will show you the
    hostname of the machine you are currently using.

    Where things get interesting is when you drag it off of the Dashboard
    and put it on your Desktop. This way you can alway see what machine
    you’re on. To drag widgets off of the Dashboard, you need to turn on the
    widget developer mode. On the Show Name widget, you can click the little
    “i” in the bottom right and check the box to turn it on. As soon as you
    click Done it will restart the Dock, so the Dashboard and the Dock will
    disappear for a second. To drag the Show Name widget (or any widget for
    that matter) out of the Dashboard and onto the Desktop, click on the
    widget and start dragging. Don’t let go of the button and close the
    Dashboard. The widget you are dragging will stay with your mouse
    pointer, and you can drop it anywhere on your Desktop. To put the widget
    back in the Dashboard, start dragging it, open the Dashboard, and stop
    dragging it. It will now re-attach itself to the Dashboard.

    I use Apple Remote Desktop or a KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) switcher to
    administer several OS X servers and machines. When you’re working on
    machines in this way you can sometimes get confused on which machine
    you’re currently controlling. If you’re lucky you won’t do anything
    stupid, but there have been times when I’ve shutdown/restarted a server
    that I didn’t mean too!

    Over Christmas break I wrote a little OS X widget call Show Name.
    All it does is show the name of the current machine. To start using it
    you just install the widget onto your Dashboard. Once there, it will
    show you the hostname of the machine you are currently using on the

    Where things get interesting is when you drag it off of the Dashboard
    and put it on your Desktop. This way you can alway see what machine
    you’re on. To drag widgets off of the Dashboard, you need to turn on
    widget developer mode. On the Show Name widget, you can click the little
    “i” in the bottom right and check the box to turn it on. As soon as you
    click Done it will restart the Dock, so the Dashboard and the Dock will
    disappear for a second. To drag the Show Name widget (or any widget for
    that matter) out of the Dashboard and onto the Desktop, click on the
    widget and start dragging. Don’t let go of the button and close the
    Dashboard. The widget you are dragging will stay with your mouse
    pointer, and you can drop it anywhere on your Desktop. To put the widget
    back in the Dashboard, start dragging it, open the Dashboard, and stop
    dragging it. It will now re-attach itself to the Dashboard.

    [Grab the widget here][Show Name].

    [Dashboard screenshot]: https://ryancollins.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Screen-shot-2010-01-15-at-12.40.41-PM.jpg