Tag: pictures
Upload and converting pictures automatically from Dropbox
I’ve been using Pelican to publish this website for awhile now, and one of the things I wanted to do was to be able to post from my phone and include pictures. To accomplish this I wrote a script that checks the upload folder in dropbox, and if there is a file, it will re-size the pictures to 4 different sizes and upload it to Amazon S3. I can then easily link to any of the sizes of pictures for my posts.
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#!/bin/bash TOUPLOAD=/Path/to/check/for/pics/* SAVEUPLOADED=/Path/to/save/uploaded/pics S3BUCKET="BUCKET/for/pics" S3CMD=/usr/local/bin/s3cmd DIR=/Path/to/html/file/that/has/links/to/pics UPLOADED=FALSE if [[ ! -d /tmp/uploadpic ]]; then mkdir /tmp/uploadpic fi if [[ ! -d ${UPLOADED} ]]; then mkdir -p ${UPLOADED} fi shopt -s nullglob for f in ${TOUPLOAD} do if [[ -f ${f} ]]; then OUT=/tmp/uploadpic FILENAME=${f} FULLFILENAME=$(basename "${f}") EXT=${FULLFILENAME##*.} FILE=${FULLFILENAME%.*} echo "Working with ${FILE}.${EXT}" echo "Resizing" convert "${FILENAME}" -resize 320x240 "${OUT}/${FILE}-xs.${EXT}" convert "${FILENAME}" -resize 640x480 "${OUT}/${FILE}-s.${EXT}" convert "${FILENAME}" -resize 800x600 "${OUT}/${FILE}-m.${EXT}" convert "${FILENAME}" -resize 1024x768 "${OUT}/${FILE}-l.${EXT}" convert "${FILENAME}" -resize 2048x1024 "${OUT}/${FILE}-x.${EXT}" echo "Uploading" find ${OUT} -name "${FILE}*" -print0 | xargs -0 -I upload ${S3CMD} put upload s3://${S3BUCKET}/ --acl-public ${S3CMD} put "${FILENAME}" s3://${S3BUCKET}/ --acl-public mv "${FILENAME}" ${SAVEUPLOADED}/ UPLOADED=TRUE fi done if [[ ${UPLOADED} = TRUE ]]; then echo "Pics have been uploaded..." echo "<html><head><title>Blog Pics</title></head><body><ul>" > ${DIR} ${S3CMD} ls s3://${S3BUCKET}/ | sort -r | cut -c 69- | xargs -I filename echo "<li><a href='http://${S3BUCKET}/filename'>filename</a>" >> ${DIR} echo "</ul></body></html>" >> ${DIR} fi
This requires ImageMagick to be installed for the convert command. Once I have the script written I set up crontab to run the script every minute.