Tag: library

More on libraries and their future

Surprise! It’s the Golden Age of Libraries Zachary Loeb (who writes as the Luddbrarian on the blog librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com) notes that “although college students have a huge amount of information available to them, this does not automatically mean that they have acquired all of the information literacy necessary to really make sense of this mass amount of information. As a result… Read more →

Replacing the library

The End Of The Library | TechCrunch I know this sucks. Libraries have been an invaluable part of human history, propagating our culture and knowledge over centuries. But recognizing the changing times and pointing out the obvious shouldnโ€™t be considered blasphemy. It is what it is. The internet has replaced the importance of libraries as a repository for knowledge. And… Read more →

My summer plans 2013

I’m not going to let a little thing like summer already being 3 weeks in the past to stop me from making a few goals on what I want to do this summer. ๐Ÿ™‚ And since I’m more likely to accomplish things if I write them down, I decided to post them here for all to see and to also… Read more →