Tag: integration

  • Current level of technology integration, what is advanced?

    Tonight on #OETchat the first question was:

    Q1: What do you believe is the current level or state of technology integration in schools & how effective is it? #OETchat

    I answered that most were beginners, and some were intermediate. Then I said that none were advanced. Do you know of any districts or schools in Ohio that are advanced with technology integration? Responding to comments I started to try to picture what advanced means. I guess at the basic level advanced means that students are creating more than consuming. Creating in this sense means more than just using an office suite.

    What are other aspects of advanced? Maker spaces? Coding? Digital publishing and story telling? What else?

  • Technology and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    The IT Value Hierarchy: Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Metaphor for Gauging the Maturity Level of Information Technology Use within Competitive Organizations(PDF)

    Although information technology products and services may be equally available, the innovative use of IT to create competitive differentiation has clearly been achieved y many organizations. What IT executives often lack is a contextual framework in which to explain the path to increasing value for their firms. The authors believe that this framework can be explained through the use of a needs hierarchy based on a comparison to the human psychological needs hierarchy described by Abraham Maslow more than sixty years ago.

    The parallels to technology in education is uncanny. This paper provides a nice framework for the technology planning process. Just replace IT executives with staff, administration, BOE, and community. 🙂

  • Why are you integrating technology?

    From School plus I have a new favorite quote for today:

    “When Gutenberg invented the printing press, we didn’t have Europe plus books. Instead we had a whole new Europe.”

    When adding technology, you want a whole new school, not just school plus technology. Go over and read George Coursos’ full post, he’s hit it out of the park yet again!