On Tuesday I had the pleasure of attending my first Ohio Goes Google Conference presented by ITIP Ohio. The sessions I attended were very informative, I picked up quite a few different tips and ideas. (I’ll emphasize my thoughts like this.)
Keynote speaker – Jennie Magiera @msmagiera
Google Moderator
The Google Tool that nobody uses was big. Jennie Magiera talked it up, and then Sean Beavers led a session at lunch on it. Google Moderator allows for classroom participation in which the participants can post ideas and vote on these ideas.
- Thomas Edison, Elton John, Peter Jennings all dropped out of HS
- Competitively College Ready
- 7 out of 8, 72 out of 100 universities have gone Google
- Docs story builder
- Google Forms now has images, dates
- youtube.com/mathademics
- blog.mrmeyer.com
Top five skills
- Critical Thinking
- Complex Problem Solving
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Active Listening
- Computers and electronics
- http://www.google.com/moderator/#15/e=209e48&t=209e48.40&f=209e48.6adb7c&o=30
From Jennie: “Here is a copy of my keynote: (PDF) https://sites.google.com/site/Âmagierapresentations/ohio-googÂle-keynote And more info at my Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/msmagiera”Â
Jennie was a very engaging keynote speaker!
Becoming a GMail Ninja – John Sowash
- bit.ly/sowash-PD
- Inbox Zero
- Priority Inbox
- Canned responses
- To do lists
Google Apps in the Office and Beyond – Wes Weaver – principal
- It’s about teaching and learning
- Share resources
- Best practices
- Conference notes
- Staff meeting accountability
- Use Sheets to keep track of office tasks
- Guidance Dept
- Use Google Form for student sign off of forms
- Track major initiatives
- Calendars
- E-mail
- Forms
- Self-assessment
- Feedback & input
- Don’t you feel like you’re on a device all the time?
- Is your secretary available?
Wes had several examples of where his secretary took the initiative and created Google Sheets documents to make her job easier. Pretty impressive.
Speaker from Google
I missed his name. đ
- How do we prepare students for a future we can’t see?
- The web is changing how we learn
Sean Beavers – Google Moderator
Sean gave real world examples on how he had used Google Moderator in his classroom, along with a picture of him in shorts.
Using Google Scripts to Automate Your Life – Jennifer Magiera
- Doctopus
- Goobric (Doctopus extension)
- FormMule (Calendar merge)
I had not used FormMule before, looks like it could be very handy. Especially for dealing with input into Google Forms.
A must have Google Chrome Extension!
Changing Google from Bland to Beautiful – Eric Griffith
- Use Google Drawings
- Object based, objects can be linkable
- Use the built in Web Clipboard to copy/paste multiple shapes
- openclipart.org
- softicons.com
- Drag and drop between tabs in Chrome
- Presentation will be available on YouTube through the Ohio Goes Google web page
This was a very cool session. A lot of complaints I hear about Google Docs is that fact that it’s hard to lay things out in the document. By use Google Drawing objects, you can add pizzazz to those boring Google Docs documents.