Tag: facebook

How to use Facebook without using Facebook

It was a cold, dark day, November 24, 2006, when I joined Facebook and posted this gem: I’m assuming it was cold and dark since it was November. The date is the day after Thanksgiving, so I’m blaming the turkey. For several years, it was all fun and good, but I’ve become disenchanted with FB over the years. I’ve moved… Read more →

Updating Twitter and Facebook with blog updates

Now that I’ve switched from WordPress to Pelican I’m face with the dilemma on how to update Twitter and Facebook when I post to my blog. In WordPress I used the Social Plugin by MailChimp to automatically post, but plugins are not an option with a static website. But as I was working on a recipe in If This Then… Read more →

Ping.fm bookmarklet for multiple Ping.fm accounts

Since Ping.fm doesn’t allow you to add multiple Twitter accounts to one Ping.fm account, I’ve resorted to have two accounts with them, one for my personal accounts (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace) and one for my professional accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). To update my status for either Ping.fm account I use the special email addresses they offer and my email client. My… Read more →

Facebook’s new privacy settings

[![Screen shot 2009-12-13 at 9.35.36 PM.png][]][] [![Creative Commons License][]][] [photo][] credit: [ekurvine][] Facebook has begun rolling out new settings for who can see your Facebook profile and what they can see on your profile. I suggest you double-check what is viewable about you. I try to keep my personal FB totally separate from my Facebook Page, so my profile is… Read more →