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Tag: dd

  • Bought my 6 year old daughter an iPhone

    My daughter is an avid reader and writer, so as she is preparing to go
    into 1st grade, I wanted to give her an outlet to publish online. What I
    did was set up a Tumblr blog for her at gracyl.ryancollins.org. I
    chose Tumblr because it allows her to easily post through email, so she
    can post through her computer, my cellphone or her mom’s cellphone.

    In the process of setting her up, I decided I wanted a more portable way
    for her to write posts. I thought about giving her my 1G iPod Touch, but
    went on eBay to look at the iPhone 3G (I wonder how you are supposed to
    use the plural of iPhone 3G?). They seem to be selling for right around
    \$150, so I bid on a couple and finally won one at \$138. I’m not
    planning on activating cell service on it and will use it just like an
    iPod Touch
    . The advantage of the iPhone 3G of the iPod Touch is the
    inclusion of the camera and GPS (I’m not certain the GPS works without
    cell service, I guess I’ll find out).

    With the Tumblr app installed, she will be able to post to her blog
    anywhere she has wifi access. I’m excited to see how well it works, and
    if she’ll stay away from Tap Fish long enough to find out what else the
    iPhone can do!