T-Shirt # 43

If I had the time I would figure out who’s name is mis-spelled #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #volleyball #misspelling

T-Shirt # 42

This is t-shirt 42! Half way through the days, do I have another 42 t-shirts? Stay tuned! #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #nocontrast #terriblecolors #running #5k

T-Shirt # 41

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, and it is so good. #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #closeencountersofthethirdkind #movies #starwars

T-Shirt # 39

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we got the new elementary school and I am excited about the new middle/high school!! #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #groundbreaking #newschool