T-Shirt #55

Yes, 4-H Camp is a big deal, and I have the shirts to prove it. #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #4H #4HCamp #CampOhio

T-Shirt #54

My preference is for Diet Code Red Mountain Dew, but they donโ€™t make it anymore so I have to settle for Zero Sugar Code Red Mountain Dew. And even then itโ€™s not available in town. #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #MountainDew #DietMountainDew #CodeRedMountainDew #DietCodeRedMountainDew #ZeroSugarCodeRedMountainDew


Because the world needs another straight white comic, Iโ€™m doing my first set on Aug. 27

New headphones day!!

The built in microphone seems to works pretty well too #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #running #headphones #BoneConductive #starwars #dagobah #droids #r2d2

T-Shirt #53

One of my HS regrets is not breaking 18 minutes in cross country, with my fastest time being 18:03 #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #crosscountry #highschool #18MinuteClub

T-Shirt #50

Clone Wars S07E9-12 is one of my favorite Star Wars movies! #tshirt #NewDayNewTshirt #DifferentDayDifferentTshirt #84DaysOfSummerVacation #starwars #clonewars #rebels #badbatch