Twitter tracking

I’ve been playing around with Twitter for a little while (and if you’re really bored, you can follow me). A very cool feature is tracking. It works when you link your Twitter account with your instant messenger of choice. I’m currently tracking the following terms: education ed tech ipod touch educational technology I then see any tweet posted with those… Read more →

Low tech and high tech communication – eTech Ohio 2008

[![The audience #4][]][]At the eTech Ohio Technology Conference this past February I presented on different ways a person can communicate. Some ways were very low tech (writing a letter, using the phone), and some ways very high tech (using Grand Central to control incoming calls, social networking with or Twitter). I’ve finally gotten around to tagging the sites in… Read more →

The iPod Touch Trial

I’ve ordered three iPod Touches to be used in a trial at the high school, middle school, and elementary level. Stealing some ideas from John Schinker, I’m putting forth the following questions for the participants to answer: Does this device work well enough to have a place in our schools? How could this be used effectively with students? What limitations… Read more →

Google Reader and the iPhone/iPod Touch

Using my RSS reader of choice Google Reader, I’ve discovered two ways to use it on my iPod Touch. If I navigate to: I get a slightly different interface than using The former address gives me a nice icon when I add it to my home screen, but the latter address works better on my touch. Does anyone… Read more →

Beware of that Firewire port!

There is a new technique that allows an attacker to unlock a Windows machine or login without a password. This vulnerability also affects OS X. Right now the hack currently requires a Linux laptop, but it could conceivably make its way to modified iPods. To protect yourself you’ll need to disable Firewire in your PC BIOS, or on the Mac… Read more →

Day 4 with the iPod Touch

The honeymoon isn’t over yet with the Touch. The battery so far hasn’t had a problem lasting through the day, and that is with me using wifi a lot! The keyboard is interesting. As long as I keep typing the autocorrect really does its thing, making email and this post pretty easy to do. I do have problems typing certain… Read more →

The iPod Touch

I picked up an iPod Touch on Saturday, and am I impressed. I have been testing out the Nokia N800, but when it comes to Internet usability, the Touch wins hands down. Surfing is very, very usable. I’m still getting used to the onscreen keyboard, but it is already a lot better than the N800. The question I have remaining,… Read more →

eTech Ohio Conference 2008 thoughts

The conference took place over a week ago and I’m still trying to get my head wrapped around all the information I collected! I did learn one very important thing. My ID badge this year said Librarian/Media Specialist, and I learned that it makes it a lot easier to walk through the vendor area. They didn’t seem as interested in… Read more →