Using Google Drive with students

Google Drive Workflows to Use with Students When you’re wanting to use Google Docs/Drive with students, figuring out which workflow works best for you is one of the biggest challenges. How to access something I want students to turn in to me? How do I put a file out there for my students to have access to? I would add… Read more →

Following Twitter chats with

As some of you may know, I’m not a big fan of Twitter chats. They’re very tedious to follow. Part of the blame is Twitter’s fault. Why does my timeline show the newest posts at the top? To follow my time line, I have to read left to right, down, left to right, down, and then when I’m done with… Read more →

Ubiquitous opportunity

How To Use Real-Time Technology In 1:1 Classrooms A concern about 1:1 programs I sometimes hear (and that I once held myself) was that students will always be “plugged in” and connected to a device. What seems to be happening on 6 Lime, though, is not ubiquitous use of devices. Instead, it is ubiquitous opportunity. Each teacher on this team… Read more →

The learning style myth

Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners? I have been battling the notion of “designing instruction for learning styles” in my own quixotic fashion for a couple of decades now. In my attempt to be a good steward of my clients’ shareholders’ equity I wished to help them avoid faddish instructional… Read more →

Technology the great leveller

Is Technology the Great Educational Leveller? People will learn, even teach themselves, if they have access to information and tools. Technology may not be the panacea for worldwide literacy and education, but it is certainly improving access, bringing it to people and places that haven’t had it before. Curiosity rules all. Read more →

Learn HTML with Mozilla Thimble

Although learning html has fallen out of fashion in recent years, I believe it is a skill that is important to know. Even if you’ll never be a professional web developer, there are times when knowing a little html is beneficial. Today I stumbled across Mozilla Thimble. It allows you to write html online in the left pain and immediately… Read more →

Current level of technology integration, what is advanced?

Tonight on #OETchat the first question was: Q1: What do you believe is the current level or state of technology integration in schools & how effective is it? #OETchat I answered that most were beginners, and some were intermediate. Then I said that none were advanced. Do you know of any districts or schools in Ohio that are advanced with… Read more →

Could BYOD Become a Job Requirement?

Could BYOD Become a Job Requirement: “Reliable transportation needed.” Anyone else remember want ads with that line? The jobs in question might not have required much of a resume, but they sure did require proof of a solid vehicle to get you to work on time. Was that fair? Maybe not, but it was the price you paid to make… Read more →