The loopback interface is very important

This is more of a note to remind me how to fix it next time, but it could come in handy for others in the same situation. I restarted my virtual private server this morning, and after it came back up I noticed none of the websites would load. The server runs Varnish as a front end to all the… Read more →

Don’t wait for the New Year

It’s the last day of the year, when a lot of people contemplate the previous year. This is also the time when many start planning on new beginnings in the new year. I say, why do we wait? Shouldn’t we be planning on new beginnings throughout the year? So many times when starting new initiatives at school we have this… Read more →

What a disappointing article, tablets vs. laptops

Scholastic has posted a versus article, Laptop Vs Tablet, where Gary Stager and Dan Brenner duel over what is the best. Both arguments are very weak. Mr. Stager takes the old arugment that the iPad is a consumption device: The iPad is a consumption device. Sure, you can use it for Web browsing, video-watching, or note-taking, but the laptop affords… Read more →

Gadgets and coding core to schools

Geeking out young: gadgets and coding need to be core in US schools Though many feel that there are already too many gadgets and too much internet in kids’ lives, Arboleda and One Laptop per Child have the opposite viewpoint. He said that a laptop could become a precious, transformational object for a child, taking them to new places in… Read more →

Ten ways to be average

10 Common Characteristics of Average People writes: There are plenty of resources online if you want to learn how to be successful, but what about those who are only looking to achieve adequacy? If you’re shooting for the big dog pile at the bottom, here are 10 common characteristics of average people to aim for: Ugh, I’m very guilty for… Read more →

Stack Exchange has an English Language Site!

Do you have a question about the usage of English, such as Should I put a comma before the last item in a list?,What is the correct way to pluralize an acronym?, or “My friends and I” vs. “My friends and me” vs. “Me and my friends” look no further than the Stack Exchange site English Language & Usage. Stack… Read more →