How does water instantly freeze in a water bottle?

In our garage we have some bottled water. With the colder weather I’ve witnessed an interesting phenomenon. When I bring a water bottle into the house, it is entirely liquid, but as soon as I shake it, it fills with slush. Apparently, it’s a process called supercooling. The water temperature is brought below the freezing point, and all it takes… Read more →

Noteable people from #oetc14

A quick script and I have a list of the people I interacted with on Twitter! I highly recommend following each and every one of person! (And if I missed you, let me know so I can update the list!) @_AmyHansen Amy Hansen @StateImpactOH education reporter, as well as second grade multiplication table champion, reality TV show couch critic, &… Read more →

Teach Like a Hacker presentation at #oetc14

I’m finally getting a chance to post my presentation and supplemental materials from the OETC14 conference! Presentation Link “Ryan is a hottie” .mp3 “Ryan is a hottie” .m4r Backchannel log And you know, for all the flack I get about trying to promote IRC, the back channel log is the most dialogue I’ve ever seen happen in a session! 🙂 Read more →

How to differentiate using Screencasting in a flipped classroom! #oetc14

Presentation link Introduction Usually used at the high school Equipment iOS, PC, Mac, etc. Microphone Topic: script or keywords Media Options to record Screencast-o-Mac Jing Screenr EduCanon Educreations Teach by Knowmia Camtasia ($) Snag it ($) Combining technology Younger students, watch videos at school while teacher works with other students different types of media: pictures, videos, PDFs, etc. Put the… Read more →

Record every class I teach? Are you crazy? #oetc14

Presentation link Why record your classes? Originally only recorded when kids are missing, now record all For when you are out Most subs can follow directions Remediation Different examples from different classes, post multiple recordings Differentiation National Trail Moodle If you don’t have an LMS, make a new calendar for your class and add each class as an event, linking… Read more →

2 nerds and 700 girls with Chromebook #oetc14

Double wrap St. Joseph Academy All girls catholic school Four principals in 5 years 5 year plan, limited tech use at the beginning Helps to have Someone who is knowledgable and flexible. Techretary MCPc helped set it up Analyzed current group of equipment reservations Worked with Higher Ground to print logo on bags Alright, what are you doing? $100 tech… Read more →

Kevin Honeycutt’s Keynote #oetc14

Do you want to find the best teacher in a school? Find the one that’s in trouble. “I don’t like laptops…I don’t know what the kids in the back are doing”…”Well get up!” “Why don’t you give up? It’s too late for them, teach the younger students. NO!” “Are we killing the next Steve Jobs?” “You don’t learn unless you… Read more →

Stop just talking about 21st century skills, it is time to be doing #oetc14

My random notes from Stop just talking about 21st century skills, it is time to be doing. Presentation Ditch the “turn in the assignment product & get a final grade” model and move to a “continuous collaborative, editing, improving process” model. It’s not cheating it’s collaboration; almost everywhere, except schools, will expect them to work with others- to solve problems,… Read more →