Markdown to presentation

Since my preferred interface is the command line, yesterday I was thinking how cool it would be to knock out a presentation from Markdown. I could work on the content, and not get distracted by the interface. Luckily, I didn’t have to look any further than Pandoc. Pandoc can take a multitude of formats and convert to other formats. For… Read more →

Jumping to multiple hosts with ssh behind a gateway

At home I have several hosts that I need to ssh into at various times. Unfortunately, since IPv6 is widely deployed, I am stuck sshing into one host that is publically accessible, and from there sshing into other hosts. Cumbersome to say the least, but it does look cool when I’m showing it off. Anyway, you can automate the connection… Read more →

Resetting a .taskpaper file

I use a couple of .taskpaper files for checklists of things that need to be done every day. In it, after a task is completed the task gets an @done tag added. But the next day I want to start fresh. I could do a find/replace, but sed at the command line works better: alias rst="sed -i 's/@done\(.*\)//'" Adding the… Read more →

My Newsbeuter config file

And here’s my config file that I use with Newsbeuter. article-sort-order date asc auto-reload yes reload-time 60 show-read-feeds no show-read-articles no mark-as-read-on-hover no bookmark-cmd "~/Development/bookmark" bookmark-autopilot no save-path "~/Documents/Research" Read more →

Using RSS like it’s 1990

I’m a big console fan, preferring to do as much work as possible from the command line. So it shouldn’t be surprised that I also use RSS even as others have abandoned it for things like Twitter. I prefer to supplement my news feeds with Twitter and not replace it. Since the demise of Google Reader, I’ve settled on Feedly… Read more →

Publishing using Sphinx to Github

I’ve been playing around with Sphinx as a digital publishing tool. It can take multiple files written in reStructuredText (similar to Markdown, which is plain text with minimal markup) and create not only a website, but also PDFs and ePubs (and more, list is on the website). An example is the Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation. If you click on the… Read more →

There is no easy

I love how technologists love to brandish the term “ease of use” like it’s some sort of badge of honor. Here’s what I’ve found out, most people dislike being told “this is easy” when they are learning new technology. The irony is not lost on me, since if it was so easy, why am I teaching it. This leads into… Read more →

Attending a conference? Here’s my conference checklist #iPadSymposiumUA

This Saturday I will be presenting at the University of Akron’s iPad Symposium. As I’ve attended numerous conferences throughout my professional career, I’ve started to realize I should create a to do list so I don’t forget anything before a conference. 1. Charge my devices and battery packs My usual compliment of devices I take to a conference consists of… Read more →

My notes from #neotech2014

Cooking Up Creative Student Presentations Using stop motion video to show DNA replication. Instead of the book report, use Prezi for Book Talks Google Sketchup – Map out the island from Lord of the Flies. Aurasma – Augmented reality connected to the physical world. Student TED Talks. Student as the expert, demonstrate passion. YouTube channel for TED youth videos.… Read more →